Monthly Archives: October 2006

Book Review Friday : 2 John


It’s a little late to post this it being almost the end of Friday and all, but I have 4 little excuses that kept me busy all day long. We had Lego fun, a tea party, a ball game (Calvin & Hobbes style), and painting. We had a busy day but I have a few minutes before we get ready for bed to get my book review up. Hopefully all those who took part will have theirs up soon as well. I get excited to read what everyone else got out of their reading.
It was that “Grace, mercy, and peace” in verse 3 that catches my attention because I need those things desperately! None of those come easily to me. Having children brought my ugly side out in the open like a spot light shining on a huge, gross bug hiding in the corner of your house. I have hated myself many a day because of the lack of these qualities.
Grace, mercy, and peace are a product of truth and love that abides in us. Or at least is supposed to abide in us, but unfortunately not in this gal. So much to work on. Maybe I should say so much to let Him work on.
After reading 1 John I came away feeling convicted and challenged but somewhat defeated. Love does not come naturally to me and I get tired of ‘loving’ before I even get started. I’m a task oriented person, not really a nurturing person. Not good. More Martha than Mary by a long shot and I’m not proud of it. But then I read 2 John and I found hope in the situation again. Vs. 6 says “This is love, that we walk according to His commandments.”
If I am walking according to His commandments, making a daily choice to choose His actions, reactions, words, instead of my own, the love will be there. It will show up because His truth and love is abiding in me, I just haven’t allowed Him to purge the sin that’s there taking over. If I keep learning to say no to me then Christ has a chance to say what He wants to through me.
I know there is so much more in this passage, but I could ramble and ramble and not really say a whole lot. This is something small (but big) that I learned this week however unprofound it may be.
Looking forward to seeing what you learned.

* We’ll do 3 John for next week of course. Let me know for sure if you want to do it and I’ll add you in the links. :)

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Book Review Friday: 1 John


So here is the very first book review and I think it’s quite exciting. This one will be short and sweet and to-the-point since I have had a busy day and have a good old fashioned headache going on.
The first thing I noticed reading through this book a couple times is the overall theme would be abiding in Christ. I thought that a fitting theme verse would be 2:28

And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have
confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.

Tall order. As I read through at first I thought that sounded great, yup, that’s me. Then the more I read the more I realized that all the evidences of abiding in Christ written through the book didn’t exactly show up in my day to day life. Actually I thought it rather frightening and had to take a good look at whether I was saved or not. Scripture really is sharper than a two-edged sword! Just think about 2:6

“He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”

Scary, I cannot say that I do that.

Then another verse that caught my attention was 5:3

“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, And His
commandments are not burdensome.”

A lot of Christians act as though their faith is actually a hindrance to fun and better things. As if it’s a burden to love others as Christ did. Sacrifice yes, burden no. People act as if it’s a burden to commit to helping at church, and yes even think it’s a burden to read 1 John every day for a week! This shouldn’t be a burden it should be a joy. And for anyone who did the book review or is in the habit of reading their Bible regularly knows that the more you read the more you crave.
But in an even more practical sense for mothers, it shouldn’t be a burden to care for our families with all the menial tasks it involves.
Oh yes, there was much to think about while reading 1 John but that’s all I have the brain power to write down tonight. My head is not cooperating. I need to go find some medicine.

I look forward to reading the reviews of all who took part in Book Review Friday. :)
Just in case you haven’t guessed already I have chosen 2 John to read for the next week. No excuses with this one folks, it’s only 13 verses long! You can do it! Just let me know if you want to join in and I can add you to my links on the right. :)


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Book review time again.


It has been bothering me that I had given the invitation out months ago to read a book of the Bible for a week and then wasn’t able to follow up on it. That’s right when the move all began and I didn’t have time for it. But I’m ready again now. :) So if anyone is willing to start this very good habit along with me again I have another book ready. How about we all read 1 John as many times this week as possible. It doesn’t take long to read and of course it’s a great book!
So next Friday everyone can blog about their own book review on 1 John and we can all check out what each other learned while immersing themselves in it for 7 whole days. Exciting eh!? I think so anyway. It’s exciting and convicting. Only a Christian would be excited about reading the Bible and being convicted by it. :)
Happy reading.


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